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booshie wit it

When one does not give a fuck.

having an excessive amount of excitement and confidence about current and upcoming events.

Being extremely crazy, wild and saying what ever the hell you want.

I was getting booshie wit it last night son!

Yo you see that bitch out on the floor? She's getting booshie wit it!

Drew Brees threw 6 td's last night. Yeah man he got booshie wit it!

Damn!! This song makes me want to get booshie wit it!

by KU Keeps It Booshie October 19, 2010

Dawkins' Witness

A person with sufficient sophistication to recognize religion as the greatest threat to human civilization, and shares this fact with others.

Dr. of Biology- Creationism is religious propaganda and only retards public education.
Random dude-You must be a "Dawkins' Witness"

by JoeyMarvelous September 8, 2008


A Jehovah's Witness person.

shes a joe-wit.

by winston May 28, 2003

jehovas witness'


would you like to convert to our religion. heelll naahh

by teegee August 22, 2003

Jehovah's Witness

It's when a guy blows a load in your ear.

When he was done he did a Jehovah's Witness on me and I'm still having trouble hearing out of the ear.

by TeamLondon March 5, 2010

jehova witness

Strangers at your door who you really don't want to hear there shit. The kind of people that don't like you knocking on there doors in Halloween.

Fucking jehova witness god they are annoying

by Pennyworth832 December 21, 2016

wit wash

verb: to wit wash, wit washed, wit washing.

Wit washing is the act of utterly destroying an opponent with a single weapon of wit. Usually occurs when an intelligent and modest person is provoked by an ignorant asshole.

Note: Not to be confused with unoriginal, snarky remarks. Shit like that will land you in the asshole category. Ex: That's What She Said, Your Mom etc.

Dumb Bitch: "Since when is 'vag' an insult?! If I said "she's such a scrotum!" it would probably hit you funny, so think about how it feels to people who posses the body parts that you are using in a derogatory way. Thanks!"

Brian: "Don't have to be a dick about it"

Impressed crowd concurs: Wit Washed

by queensupreme February 24, 2011