An exclaimation of sorts, used in a happy or excited tone. Can also be used as "You Only Live Once"
"I'm pregnant"
Yolo also known as you only live once is a phrase used to show you should do things before it's too late, life is to short to waist. Go ahead do what makes u happy u only have only chance at life, u will regret it otherwise
YOLO so go tell her you love her, scubadive, whatever makes you happy.
The once proud word that prospered in the 2000s and is needed once more. The u/crayoladeermeat is trying to bring back this everlasting word... As once yet had died and flew from the ashes, YOLO may run from the streets and jump into existence once more!
Your potential gains have to be greater than 20% in less than two weeks. Thats the only rule for talking about a potential YOLOesque trade
-$400 into GME weeklies is not a YOLO you dumb fuck. A YOLO should be atleast 4 digits and represent 98-100% of your account
Roger has a $1,000 WeBull account. Other than his WeBull account, he has $300 sitting in his bank account. Roger has autistically decided to put his entire $1000 into Netflix FD calls. Rogers Position is 77% of his Net Worth and his position is Volatile. Upon losing his entire investment, which he most certainly will, Roger will have effectively wiped out over half of his net worth. Roger has YOLO’d, however nobody cares because Roger is a poor.