Source Code

Arthur Ford

The main character (and the one you play as) in Stress Level Zero's hit VR Game, Boneworks. Arthur Ford doesn't say anything in the main campaign of the game but his AI buddies (Fords) are known to say things like "Whaddup Son!" and "Hello!" and when they're in pain they'll say things like "Aaaagh".

Person1 - Who's your favorite character in VR Games?
Person2 - Definitely Arthur Ford, I'm a total Boner.

by MensPinkSatchel February 11, 2022

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Dr. Fording

When a grown woman speaks like a teenager using extreme vocal fry, to get undeserved sympathy.

I broke up with my girlfriend because I caught her cheating, and I have refused to take her calls. She's been leaving messages on my voicemail, Dr. Fording.

by Haha2900 October 5, 2018

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Alex Ford

A pathetic YouTuber with only 80 subscribers. Creator of AV Squad, the sad fan club of Alex Ford.

Person 1: "Bruh are you watching Alex Ford?"
Person 2: "Yeah bruh he's pathetic. He should quit YouTube ASAP"

by Sujay Lover November 17, 2017

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Ford Aspire

Korean economy car sold by Ford in the U.S. in the mid 90's.
Low-powered, yet very economical and sturdy for a Kia.

That Ford Aspire kinda looks like a Honda Civic, except it got hit with an ugly stick.

by Rayon the Robot April 9, 2006

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Ford Tortoise

Slang for FORD TAURUS.

When my stupid ex-wife divorced me, I was sable to trade up from our old Ford Tortoise station wagon to a brand new Ford Rustang GT!

by Car-roll Shelby July 23, 2006

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Ford Mustang

A very fast AMERICAN car unlike little crap hondas and acura's

Honda Owner:Look at that mustang he's goin 80 maybe we should race him.
Mustang owner:suck my big dick little honda you can't never ever eva eva eva step up biiiiiitch.hahaha nods head* at honda

by robert February 14, 2005

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Ford Ranger

A truly badass truck made from 1983-2011 and 2018-current. A fucking good quarter ton with plenty of room. Just don't think your getting too many bells and whistles tho. In Canada these are known as f whoppers and really are good.

One bad thing: once people know you have one there goes your weekends.

P.s: if you want to haul beer kegs illegally, this is your best shot. Throw those fuckers in sideways and throw a tarp over and your fine.

Hey, can I borrow your ford ranger to haul some beer kegs and possibly ass?

Count me in!

by Homicidal toddler January 21, 2018

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