Source Code

george grahame

George Grahame, a reviloistionasied Roman name is given to someone who is morbidly obese,the certain person who is usually named this is usually one whom is gay/homosexual. This certain individual named George Grahame is usually anti-social, and socialises with people who are mentally incapable

You fat George grahame

by Succ-me January 10, 2018

Grace Graham

Grace Graham is not very cool infact she hates josh talking to her grandpa. These creatures are very rare and if encountered RUN!!!


by comica; May 18, 2023

Poppy graham


poppy graham is my fav body part! (there toe is there favourite body part.

by wordingexpertofdefinitons May 17, 2022

harrison dement-graham

Harrison D-G is the best person on earth. he's super cool and fun and can be sassy but also really, really funny. he will joke around with you a lot and hopefully make you laugh a lot.

Guy 1: that Harrison is a really cool guy.
Guy 2: Oh you mean Harrison Dement-Graham? Yeah he's awesome

by dominoCKLove&Spirit July 20, 2018

Michael Graham Claydon

Literally the most perfect man on any planet, he is litteraly perfect Michael Graham Claydon is honestly the definition of a man written by a woman. You could say he deserves the world but he doesn't, the world is SHIT and Michael Graham Claydon deserves better than that. And on top of that, he has a PHAT ass

A: Have you seen Michael Graham Claydon?

B: No, but isn't he just great!

A: He is! I love Michael Graham Claydon

by Michael Graham Claydon enjoyer July 21, 2023

Graham cracker oreo

Similar use to oreo when talking about an African American who acts Caucasian, but for Indian people.

A: Manish is the whitest Indian I know.
B: I know, he's basically a graham cracker oreo...

by Trollingspeedracer September 2, 2018