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Needs a pony

Southern England pervert slang meaning you're looking for an Italian prostitute. Adding an age to the request means years of experience

Swith needs a pony. Looking for one thats about 8 - 10 years old. Anywhere in Britain is ok I think.

by HGFB August 2, 2006

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Iron Pony

To kick someone in the crotch with your lower leg, causing your foot to stick out on their other side. The ideal Iron Pony should lift the person off of their feet. Saying "yee-haw!" while doing this is a good bonus but isn't absolutely necessary.

"If you don't quit it I'm gonna give you an Iron Pony!" or "If you don't want to take a ride on the Iron Pony you better shut up."

by Trooper18 June 22, 2009

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party pony

A pony tail placed on top of a girls head, meant to be swung around when dancing.

"OMG look at that girls hair!" "Girl I know, Beckys party pony is popping!!"

by anonymousdictionary123 September 9, 2017

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pony hole

its when you stick you finger in a girls ponytail. It feels like a butt hole.

per College humor

Sarah: Hey Dan stick you finger in my pony hole, it totally feels like a butthole.

Dan: Wow, your right it totally does.

by snyper84 August 31, 2009

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Bill The Pony

The ultimate character in crack head lord of the rings monopoly, and every thing else.

Bill the pony just kicked frodo's little gay ass while he was on k-ball in the k-hole.

Here we see bill the pony breaking up the affair between aragorn and brego.

by Dark Snow Films August 13, 2006

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Jesus Ponies

Jesus ponies are a joke name for dinosaurs. Many creationists claim that dinosaurs are mentioned in the Bible and that they either existed a few thousand years ago and were wiped out by the flood or that they are still around in remote parts of the world unexplored by Westerners. Sara palin has said she believes in Jesus Ponies

Aww look at the dinosaurs...
Dude those are Jesus Ponies.

by A.L.L.People December 2, 2011

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pony rider

Not man enough to ride a horse.

Implies weakness or homosexuality.

You sound like a pony rider with that little voice of yours

Those pants are mighty tight...are you a pony rider or something?

by Ed G March 9, 2008

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