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Rory Armstrong

The type of person that would brush their teeth just to drink orange juice

Rory Armstrong is super hot and awesome and cool and sexy

by Rory Armstrong December 4, 2021

Armstrong effect

The Armstrong effect is a situation where so many people hear some bullshit that they believe it , like Neil Armstrong walking on the moon

She said to me "I was so disappointed when jonny pulled his little wiener out , it was tiny, I heard it was massive ". I replied " ahh that's just the Armstrong effect happening again"

by tsddan December 30, 2023

Armstrong effect

The Armstrong effect is a situation where so many people hear some bullshit that they believe it , like Neil Armstrong walking on the moon

"I was so disappointed when jonny pulled his little wiener out , it was tiny, I heard it was massive ". " ahh that's just the Armstrong effect happening again"

by tsddan December 30, 2023

Ned Armstrong

Fat bitch, I know 5 fat people and he is 4 of them.

Ur a ned Armstrong

by Crackerjacker68+1 August 29, 2022

Cory Armstrong

A bald bearded man keeping you big as hell.

Cory Armstrong keeping you big as hell.

by CoryArmstrongFitnessOfficial March 12, 2024

Jaylon Armstrong

Freaky mf. Very handsome, sexy, can be grumpy at times but all you have to do is show him some love. Kind but could be mean to you depending on if he’s comfortable enough to be mean to you in the first place. An amazing person who is very loyal and would treat you like a princess if you smother him up with love. Is a bit wack but really chill to hang and spend time with. There’s never a dull moment with a Jaylon.

Girl: I love my boyfriend! His name is Jaylon.
Girl 2: Yeah, you already told me this for the hundredth time. I do not care.
Jaylon Armstrong: I love Sian.

by Jaylonlover69 June 20, 2024

Kacey rose armstrong

Kacey is very smart! Kacey is such a simple for you, shoot your shot cause kacey can't! Kacey will love you no matter what.

Kacey rose Armstrong is so smart!

by Jokkermann September 25, 2021