The act of trying to get coworkers to do all your tasks while you stand around and talk conspiracies
Hey man have a good shift.
Thanks, I’m just gonna do the Blair minimum again
Is the act of getting snotty with co workers when they refuse to do your job so you can stand around and talk about conspiracy theories
Hey man have a good shift. We should catch up over a beer later.
For sure! I’m just gonna do the Blair minimum tonight
Creative , being strong ,heart broken , handsome and mostly an athlete
Always quite and keeps he's life private and always care for someone they love..........
Paul Blair:Creative , being strong ,heart broken , handsome and mostly an athlete
Always quite and keeps he's life private and always care for someone they love..........
a hot dude from norwin highschool
“damn i want jackson blair to fuck me raw”
Its when the character Blair in Total Drama Roblox is made fun of or bullied because she looks like a used tampon, which she does, because everyone thinks that Blair actually does look like a used tampon.
Stacy: I'm so fat and ugly.
Justis: You are, but at least you're not Blair the used Tampon
I fine specimen of a mature woman. Acts shy but when she goes down on you it's like she's giving your junk a secret handshake like a long lost friend she hasn't seen in a while. She likes nothing more than to Netflix and chill with a nice glass of vino. Whenever you're lonely be sure to hit up Blair's mil.
After the golf course I need to stop at Blair's MIL's house for A quick game of hide the salami.
a beautiful amazing puppy who is the bestest girl. she’s so sweet and loves to give kisses. she loves playing with toys and friends. she is boy crazy but somewhat loyal to her current boyfriend. she is the prettiest baby in the world and she acts like a perfect angel 24/7!
omg Blair Bear just pooped in the house.