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Boomer Syndrome

A person born with the unfortunate qualoties of a boomer. This is not affected by either their age or other personality traits.
A boomer is a person who may be unable to understand such things as climate change or popular culture.

Person A: Back in my da-
Person B: I've heard enough, I diagnose you with boomer syndrome.

by MrDuuk August 25, 2020

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boomer (s)

1. slang for psychedelic mushrooms
2. a nickname for a (loud) father

those were pretty good boomers you got last week.

i really hate it when boomer doesn't wear a belt.

by blistre April 18, 2005

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Peak Boomer

Peak Boomer originally referred to the year 2020, when Baby Boomers were overtaken by Gen Xers in the population, meaning the Boomer Era was over. However, the term Peak Boomer has come to refer to annoying behaviors that Baby Boomers continue to display, such as holding everybody up in the grocery checkout to write a check. One would say "Hey, Peak Boomer, haven't you heard of a debit card or Venmo?"

Generally, people use this term in a derogatory manner, and it often relates to lack of technology skills that younger generations take for granted. For example, a Peak Boomer behavior might be asking you "how do I get to read that article you showed me a photo of? There's no link!" Clearly, the Baby Boomer doesn't know they are supposed to click on the photo. this is a "Peak Boomer" behavior.

Peak Boomer can be an adjective, a noun and even a verb or adverb.

" Last night we were eating out with a group and Jenny's older friends were so annoying. Everyone else used the app to send in their order before we even got there. The Peak Boomers held us up demanding to see a printed menu! "

by Linguista June 13, 2023

Boomer Click

When one accidentally does something on an electronic device leading to an unintended consequence such as looking something up you didn't mean to or sending a text you didn't mean to.

John: I just boomer clicked and somehow sent my ex girlfriend a text

by BoomerMan69 December 24, 2019

Crybaby boomer

People born towards the end of the baby boomer generation. Although they rode the coattails of the Golden age before them, dodged drafts, fought in no great wars, missed out on the civil rights movement. They let their political indifference and let greed consume them through midlife they now find themselves in the uncomfortable position of passing all the problems they created on the next generations without shouldering any of the responsibility. MAGA is their slogan but they had no part of making America great in the first place and surely won’t help its future.

“Man, David sure is a crotchety old geezer, isn’t he? All he does is whine about how the world has gone to hell but his generation is what brought us here.”
“Yeah he sure is a crybaby boomer

by BranMcRay May 2, 2019

boomer detox

When the non-boomer comes in contact with a boomer, the non-boomer will give advice to the boomer to "detox."

Boomer: I can't seem to learn how to function a computer.

Non-boomer: Sounds like you need a boomer detox.

by helloitsmeyourmom November 18, 2019

Boomer Fit

The tantrum thrown by grown middle to upper age white males and females who feel as if they have earned the right to always get their way and should be seen as superior to all others.

Karen pitched a boomer fit when the hairdresser told her they had no available appointments until the following week.

by T9J94x4 September 21, 2021