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bored shitless

Being so bored that you have a shit wether you need to or not, as something to pass the time, and still being just as bored afterwards yet unable to shit any more.

I'm bored shitless, just had a shit without needing to and I'm still bored but I can't shit anymore so im telling the world via urban dictionary.

by T1988 November 9, 2006

150๐Ÿ‘ 126๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dead bored

bored till like a dead person.

Alissa : heyy girl, hows yesterday?
Me : dead bored.

by Beandots January 29, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

bored eating

When you bored af and you resort to eating random shit in order to briefly quench your immense boredom

I was so bored I started bored eating

The only eating I do is bored eating

by Yurts.are.love.yurts.are.life July 17, 2017

Omega Bored

when extremely bored doesn't cut it, and what you are right now considering you searched this up.

Dude, I'm Omega Bored right now.

by Anonymous Man 1111111111111111 February 1, 2021

Nigel Boring

The most SAVAGE man you will ever meet. Get down on one knee and propose while you still have a chance.

Nigel is so SAVAGE. Nigel Boring!

by Leo is mole rat November 22, 2019

Bored Husband

A husband or boyfriend who follows or sits and waits on a bench their wife or girlfriend while she shops. Usually found in malls, sitting on a bench while on their phone, or falling asleep.

I was like a bored husband today, just following my friends around while they shopped because I didn't have any shopping money.

by klepthomaniac June 27, 2016

Bored Surf

The pointless surfing you do online when you are extremely bored.

Justin: "Hey man, what are you going to do tonight"
Tony: "Nothing really man, i think i'll just bored surf"

by Tony "spade face" April 14, 2010