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corn wallace

calling someone a little shit. (one of mr. hankey's kids from south park)

nice job corn wallace

by no john August 14, 2006

32πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Corn Fritter

When you are eating you're girlfriend's ass and she farts on your tongue.

"man you're breath stinks!" yeah I know, Mellissa gave me a Corn Fritter.

by booyah kid January 17, 2006

45πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Horn corn

Horn corn is used in foreshadowing the use of dirty, slang-riddled sentences to follow.

First known use is in American Dad, season 13 episode 4.

So what’s your problem kid? You honking a lot of horn corn around here or just sliding some whistles?

by Slackwhacker February 7, 2019

27πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Corn Art

A euphemistic reference to taking a massive dump. Typically the corn filled variety. But eloquently expresses any act of defecation.

Well I hope everyone enjoyed that Thanksgiving meal. Now if you'll excuse me, it's time for me to work on my corn art. I've got a masterpiece on the way.

by Eaton Holgoode September 9, 2016

2035πŸ‘ 1101πŸ‘Ž

Corn hole

American Slang for the anus. Originated from the use of corn husks as primitive toilet paper in Colonial days. Mainly used in the South and Midwest.

Man One: Agghhh! My corn hole itches like hell!
Man Two: Dude, wipe your ass better next time!

by TreeAnt January 8, 2009

239πŸ‘ 113πŸ‘Ž

corn hole

anus, ass pipe, chocolate factory, exit, turd squirter, shit hole, butthole, you get the picture

After being in prison for three years I can say with complete honesty that my corn hole has seen better days.

by Falken January 17, 2003

687πŸ‘ 356πŸ‘Ž

Plant the corn

To have sexual intercourse or sexual relations

A slang term frequently used by the Jamaican culture


my night nurse never want to plant the corn

- Raz Trent The lonely island

Q:Did you plant the corn with beth last night

A:Planted enough corn last night to feed all of Africa

by George Jones Jr April 10, 2012

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž