When pizza parlors give you less sauce and cheese because of the recession and your pizza increasingly becomes more bread than topping
Excuse me, Tony, could you put a little more sauce and cheese on this pizza? I seem to be experiencing crust creep here!!!
a very creepy person; someone who is socially awkward; a stalker
ew, that guy watching you from behind that bush is a creep nugget!
Cs is a abbreviation of creep score that means how many minion kills you have in games such as League Of Legends and Dota 2.
Guy: Look how much creep score I have
Guy2: That's nothing I have 100 creep score while you have 50
When you’re excessively going far back into someone’s social media past, and cannot afford to be caught out (e.g- accidentally liking a photo)
Omg I’m 85 weeks back into Jonathan’s Instagram...I’m so deep in the creep right now! I better not like anything!!
A link sent for the purpose of showing a picture to someone of another person that is physically attractive. (Done through facebook primarily.)
Yeah? Send me a Creep Link, lemme see how hot she is.
A whistle used to ward off a creeper (a person who is creeping on you against your will). It is similar to a rape whistle except it has an unusually low pitch and it is used specifically for creepers.
"Nat is so weird!"
"Yeah I always carry my creep whistle when I'm around him."
a guy or girl who seems to be the perfect one but then turns needy in a short about of time
He turned into an undercover creep!