Someone who says they are "not a homophobe" but simply "don't agree with the homosexual lifestyle."
Oxford Dictionary defines a homophobe as someone that "has a dislike or prejudice against homosexual people." Because of this, people often try to ascertain that they are "not a homophobe" because they simply "do not hate gay people, only disagree with their "lifestyle."" This definition defines that in order to be homophobic, one must possess a sense of hatred or disliking, opposed to only disagreeing.
discount homophobes are people who are homophobic to a lesser extent than the Dictionary definition entails, and thus wish to remove themselves from the label of "homophobe" to feel good about themselves despite still having homophobic attitudes, though they are gentler than the dictionary definition entails.. The term "discount" in discount homophobe comes from the idea that this form of homophobia is much less extreme than hate-level homophobia, thus being "discount."
synonyms: diet homophobe, gentle homophobe, soft homophobe
"I'm not homophobic, I just don't think that gay people deserve basic human rights"
"I hate it when people call me homophobic, I just think gay people don't need to be married."
Oh you see Randy over there? He's a discount homophobe.
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1-A slip of the tongue when someone mentions the words homophobic gesture in an excited and fast bout of hysteria of winding a friend up, mass hilarity insues spawning this term amongst the persons social circle.
2-A medieval term to describe a fool who does not like gay people, ironically, they themselves looked and acted very camp, but were not gay, possibly in the closet.
friend a: (pretends to try and kiss friend b)
friend b: (threatening to punch friend a) get the fuck away from me
friend a (in a bout of laughter): hahahahaha was that a homophobic jester, james, i mean gesture
(rest of friends laugh at the term)
when a gay person entered a homophobic jesters presence, the jester will proceed to slap them until they are not around them
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A howling homophobe homie is a straight boy usually in 6th to 8th grade who likes to make homophobic comments on things for no reason. They're loud and basically all sound the same. None of their coments are new or creative. Usually just "that's so gay", or "you (f word)" They are unable of saying hese things without yelling or saying them VERY loudly.
They also probably don't know that they're being homophobic, but there's no reasoning with them so just ignore them.
They're very annoying and if you may have an encounter with one or you're in a classroom with one (one or more since they travel in packs) I wish you the best of luck and the most of patience, as you will need it.
Normal human: "Ugh the howling homophobe homies are at it again.."
HowlingHomophobeHomie: "THAT'S SO F*CKING GAY BRO YOU (F word)"
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when some is homophobic and likes chickfila
random ass bitch : chick-fil-a 's fries smack
me: but they're homophobic
random ass bitch: ok and...
me: ok well enjoy ur homophobic waffle fries ig
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a nigga that is SOOOO homophobic but acts SOOOOO gay.
Jesse(who’s homophobic be like): “fuck me in the ass😩”
Shaniqua: “you are one homophobic gay nigga🧍🏽 ♀️.”
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Started out as a meme in early 2022, quickly expanding onto Twitter. It has since been altered in various ways.
The dog’s actual name is Whitney Chewston by the way.
Person 1: “Tell me you’ve seen the homophobic dog meme”
Person 2: “Which one?”
Person 1: “Literally any single one. They’re all over Twitter”
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A pastor who accepts homosexuality (believes it isn’t a sin).
Make un-homophobic pastor permanent pastor.
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