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dumb hungry

When you are so hungry you can't make decisions.

I was so dumb hungry I ended up at Arby's.

by anon333 July 3, 2018

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hungry for hungary

nazi germany in a nutshell


by OOGA BOOGA JOOGA GOOGA January 12, 2017

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Sex Hungry

Excessive likes on a Facebook page as soon as a friend request is accepted.

Damn that guy was sex hungry did you see how many likes he put on your page as soon as you accepted his friend request.

by Midnightoker0820 December 14, 2019

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hungry Lion

When performing cunilingus on a woman during her menstration cycle, your lips and chin are covered in blood like a Lion after a fresh eaten kill.

Darla was bleedin' last night, and I gave her the hungry lion . . . I didn't notice until I went to brush my teeth.

by Tyrone Laces November 29, 2012

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Hungry eater

Girls who are extremely eager to have a boyfriend or husband. Will go to extreme lengths to be overly flirty, overly skany, and overly aggressive to trap a man in her hungry hands. Or a girl who comes on to men strongly just for sex.

Friend: How'd your date go last night?
Guy: The girl started telling me what she'd like her engagement ring to look like, then she kept massaging my nuts with her toes.

Friend: damn hungry eaters

by Funky Col'Madina January 3, 2012

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Carpet Hungry

1. Expressing a sudden desire to perform the cunnilingial arts, akin to the munchies.

see also Hungry like the wolf.

God dammit, I'm carpet hungry. Why didn't I get my last licks in when I got the chance?

by Monty Park September 30, 2008

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Hungry Hole

When someone is constantly thinking about eating, worried about eating, looking to eat, or just eating! One who is hungry and is just trying to fill one's hole (mouth).

Jennifer is such a hungry hole!

by Stephx86 October 25, 2005

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