A ghetto over tacticalized knife that a teenage kid or nigger what carry. Typical names of carriers of these types of knifes are. Tyron, Trevon, Sherman, Rj and DeShawn.
Watch out with that brown Jewish kid we always carries a nigger knife
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YoU'rE nOt A kNiFe GuY! YoU'rE nOt A kNiFe GuY yOu'Re A lOsEr!!!
Hym "Hahahahaha! Second time in 3 days huh? Knife guy for the win! See!? I told everyone! I told everybody! Knives! Own them! Buy them! Stab the dog shit of of those who accost you (physically and NOT conceptually)!!! Mwahahahahaha!!! Stop trying to mug people! You will be stabbed! 🔪🔪🔪 Ee-Ee! Ee-Ee!! Hahahahahaha!!"
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The act of using boots with sharp knives or blades on the bottom to move across ice.
"Michelle Qwan is famous for knife-booting," Amy said to Tedd.
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The knife you used to make a peanut butter sandwhich that you set near the sink, because you’re not sure if you’re done using it. Can be used metaphorically to refer to something else.
•“Hey don’t do dishes, my peanut butter knife is by the sink. I might be hungry later.”
•“If you don’t want to be friends with her again why don’t you just deny her friend request?”
“Well, I might want to sleep with her again at some point sooo, lol. *shrug* She’s my peanut butter knife.”
“I made sure to leave on good terms with my old job in case I need them to be my peanut butter knife next summer.”
The key rule is there are no knife fight rules.
Snake threw a drink and knife at the Bandidos' eyes because there are no knife fight rules.
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Popularized by “Cage the elephant” in reference to the knife technique women from the Azores learn at a young age said to be able to kill under eight seconds and practiced on pigs.
“Don’t mess with Fatima, she knows how to Portuguese knife fight.”
A term that can be used not only instead of the term 'pain in the ass' but also to produce much more vivid imagery than pain in the ass.
A: How did you get fined man?
B: I had my feet on the seats of the train and got fined $175 by some shitty cops.
A: Now that's a knife up the anus.