Black ass nigger. I hate this retard I would chop my Dick off to kill this retarded stage 4 terminal brain cancer child.
sexy sexy guy dont let go if u find. MASSIVE whale cock he has. very strong body six pack abs. beautiful hair. get all girls. hot eyes. Very handsome and good-feeling dick, perfect for sexual intercourse. v tall nba player looking. very good in bed. gentleman and v kind caring and wise. thicc booty. good dancer singer musician and v good athlete amd v good at basketball. can only get sucked off by the beautiful ashlyn whom he loves dearly.
Friend 1: do uk kush ?
Friend 2: ofc hes so coool and hot im never letting go of him.
A word that very old history teachers don’t know means pot
Mr beck: kush? eh
Class: it’s pot
A BIG FAT, CHOCOLATE COLORED, CURRY MUNCHER, who getts no bitches, and simps for a girl whose name I can't say, but it starts and ends with a.
Parthiv: Hey you are such a kush