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wow that beat is really large

by old December 2, 2018


Something big

Other words for large= huge, big, massive

“ that is one large dog!” Exclaimed sally

by The irony February 16, 2018

1👍 1👎


see big

damn he large
damn she large
damn they large
damn we large

by Bearachi October 8, 2019


1: Big object or anything really.
2: A derogatory term for fat people. Don't use it you a##hole.

1: Trevin: Wow, that tree is large.
Carlos: Yeah, if you fall from that, your neck is gonna be destroyed in seconds!

2: Harrison: You suck James!
James: Shut up you large manchild
Harrison: Hey! Don't call me that.

by cooooooooooooooooooooooooookie October 20, 2023


Big in size

Wow thats huge! Its large

by Lolicat December 12, 2022


Used for a dick that’s not Asian .

Kanye west : “I fucked Kim jong-un last night! “
The rock : “was he large?”
Kanye west : “ nope:(“

by LargeRock February 11, 2019


Large is the size of your mother

U be large

by QQUUUENDeeeel dindle February 13, 2023