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Happy Liquid

A reference to any and all Alcoholic beverages, including but not limited to Hennesy, Tequila, Vodka, Wine, Whiskey, Rum, Gin, Beer

Yo lil nigga you finna pass that happy liquid, I'm trying to get litty over here

by Bazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz July 31, 2018


A THC/glycerin tincture that is used in an e-cigarette.

Just before bed I switch tanks on my tornado from e-liquid to t-liquid. It helps me sleep.

by kd0afk April 9, 2012

canine liquid

refers to someone who is a bitch like a jimmy... don't be like jimmy be like Karl a chad

ur canine liquid jimmy

by creater_of_ur_canine_liquid May 18, 2022

liquidate the inventory

To masturbate profusely

After seeing Liz last night and she didn't put out, I had to go liquidate the inventory once I got home.

by CthulhusBongBuddy October 9, 2015

Liquid Hydration

anther word for water

Y'all i'm thirsty , I need liquid hydration

by Arron Sky September 23, 2019

liquid johnny

A made-up sexual euphemism designed to confuse and horrify the friends Ericka, Nate, and/or Sam.

And then I gave him a liquid johnny

by fowlduck April 10, 2016

liquid lightning

When a man gets pee on their hand and rubs it under a girls nose.

Similar to a Dirty Sanchez

Bro I got some I walked out the stall and hit my girl with the liquid lightning

by Weeechi August 9, 2020