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middle school

(Noun) Hell. Usually lasts 2 to 3 years. Initiates usually at 11 or 12, symptoms include body hair, cracking of the voice, the strong desire to f*ck the blonde 2 lockers down from you, mean-@$$ teachers, social class separation, etc. usually ends at 14-15, with signs such as major forehead injuries, increased stress, acne, and the feeling of "oh my gosh get me out of here I can't take it any more!"

Steven: Aww man, I've known Susie for 6 years and now she won't talk to me any more!
Todd: (in incredibly squeaky voice) yeah dude, middle school blows.

by Dukmeisterindahowse March 9, 2014

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a time in a person's life between the ages of 45-50, where everything makes said person extremely angry.

Jeff began to believe he was crazy when he would start screaming at random people at exactly 2pm everyday, until he realized he was 46 and he had hit his middle-raged years.

by vms July 15, 2015

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power middle

Much like a power bottom except the power middle is a gay male likes to dominate and control penetration both orally and with his anus simultaneously. The Gay Baron is the pioneer and master of this craft.

That power middle was really working it while those two dudes where spit roasting him!

by limber-jack December 30, 2016

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wakefield middle

a place with slithery snakessss

please don’t tell me you go to wakefield middle, i heard they have snakes

by yeah i’m the next day August 20, 2017

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Middle Ages

Probably one of the most misunderstood times in history. While it is true that there were many things wrong with the middle ages, such as people getting sick more often or wrongful execution of innocents, they didn't happen nearly as often as mainstream culture would like to portray it. (That is to say, EVERY TIME).

Also poor people weren't starving or depressed. English peasants would eat SALMON every day, because guess what? They lived near rivers! (DUH) And the children played every day in the fields or in said rivers and would also help their parents work the fields and around the house. Also, nobody gave a fuck about social media, everything you needed to know, you learned from your neighbors.

*Medieval market bustle*

Richard: God bless you, Henry! Have you prepared the beer for the party tonight? It's finally the end of spring and we finally have enough berries and leftover chickens to celebrate the summer solstice with a good meal!
Henry: Yes I have, richard. I do believe I have a solid barrel* of good ale for our celebration. Will your wife prepare her famous cranberry tarts?
Richard: Yes she will indeed. Maybe we can bring the children this year too?
Henry: Well they are fourteen. I think they are old enough to party with us.**
Richard: Marvelous. I will see you tonight, good friend!
Henry: Likewise!

*Everyone dances, sings, eats and drinks that night, men, women and children alike and everyone is happy*

*31 gallons
**That's being PG-friendly. Kids would drink ale as young as 5 in Medieval England

The Middle Ages were actually a vibrant age. A simpler time.

by mancyclopediac January 17, 2019

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springfield middle

a bunch of fucking losers and dumb ass girls who think they’re better than everyone. plus you have the fucking girls making fun of guys and who they like lolololol oh yea and a bunch of lesbians and a gay guy.

β€œyou go to springfield middle? that place is for a bunch of bitchy girls!”

by sexyman11111111 March 19, 2019

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middle toking

When 3 people stand or sit side by side in a straight line smoking pot, the center person is "middle toking" when they take a hit off the pipe or joint or bong every time it is passed back and forth in both directions.

Man, you're wasted!

I was middle toking with Alex and Levi, so I got twice as toasted as they did!

by Sonnie Skiba March 26, 2009

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