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business trip

A euphemism for using the bathroom, often employed when one wants his/her friends to think he/she was doing something important. Like an inside joke with yourself.

Person 1# 'dude, where'd you go'
Person2# 'important business trip'
Person 1# 'Hey! where were you?'
Person 2# 'long intense business trip

by awkwardfart June 10, 2011

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trip hazard

A key warning given to the student during "health and safety at work" courses about being environment aware, in order to avoid bodily injury caused by tripping or bumping into an unseen object.

A distraction caused by spotting a stunningly good looking member of the opposite sex, resulting in the observer walking into a lampost, tripping over a kerb etc.

Simon: Dude, look over there! Trip hazard at eight o'clock
Andy: Wowsah! <Crash>, oowww fuck!

by simon jacobs April 16, 2008

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hippy trip

Consuming both LDS (acid) and Mushrooms at the same time. resulting in a triptacular experience.

Shit son, I would really love to hippy trip this weekend.

by Yolalala May 18, 2006

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field trip

When an officer on the battlefield gets wounded, and they give him so much drugs, that hes trippin balls.

Sgt. Johnson went on a field trip after he got shot in Vietnam.

by Halo 2 Killa February 16, 2006

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Cum Tripping

Psychedelic hallucinations resulting from a person's semen blood toxicity level reaching 0.4 or higher. Cum Tripping is not for the faint of heart. Obtaining what is often referred as "Salty Nirvana" requires years of painstaking practice and dedication. Some Cum Trip the first time they attempt to, some never have the pleasure.

After years of sucking and fucking, and countless gallons of semen, I finally cum tripped my balls off.

Last night I felt God for the first time in my life while cum tripping in the East Village.

by ballstroker May 25, 2014

trip adviser

a person whos not doing any kind of drugs but is their to make sure nobody does some stupid shit

1. yo I almost go arrested last night, but luckily my trip adviser mohammed was their to make sure i didn't steal that alpaca.
2. can you be my trip adviser? ive never done weed before, so im not sure what's going to happen

by pink world October 13, 2019

Trip Flare

When having sex, the male suddenly pulls out a bright torchlight and shines it directly in the girl's eyes. After getting blinded, he then proceeds to shoot all his rounds into her.

She got trip flared last night. She didnt see it coming

by ohyeahhh99 January 22, 2019