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Rick Roll

An internet meme that lasted for almost 14 years, yet it's still popular to these days. This might be the longest lasting internet meme in existence. You thought amogus was overrated and unstoppable? Take a deeper look, because you can never stop Rick Astley. It's so overused that this might take the whole cake. If you see a link that could lead to a Rick Roll, don't click it. Doesn't matter how curious you are, just do yourself a favor and try to avoid it as much as possible!

Troll: Visit this website to get free robux!
*insert a link to a rick roll*
Me: No, I'm not clicking that!

by ThatTrainAnimationH8er March 25, 2022

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Jugga Roll

When what you think is a link to something you want to see actually directs you to a video of anything done by ICP.

Similar to the Rick Roll.

Oh god! You just Jugga Rolled me!

by clarasaurus September 28, 2010


Any Intentional Playing of the song, Community Immunity 1: Let's All Get the Vaccine feat. Darryl DMC McDaniels. Released by Columbia University. The Playing of said song is to be done in such a way that it is a surprise. Similar to that of a rickroll. This Trend Was popularised by the Creator of "the list" and half of the Habibi Bros, Siraj Hashmi. Where he will often torment his twitch chat by randomly playing said song.

Did you get Vax-rolled By Siraj again?

by That_one_hat_guy March 12, 2021

cum rolling

The act where you cum onto yourself then rubbing it all over your body

my mom walked in on me, at least I wasn't cum rolling!

by Mr_pancakes April 16, 2014

Rolling Invisible

Rolling invisible is when you drive at night, with no lights on. So that other drivers cannot easily spot you. It was first put in to use by Ent...for racing purposes.

I was rolling invisible on the Ventana Loop last night, it was a full moon so it wasn't that bad.

by KingL. January 11, 2010

Hipster Roll

The act of rolling up one's right pant leg. This is usually done by people on bikes to avoid getting their pants caught in their gears. This is fashionable to some hipsters, whether they're near a bike or not.

Guy: "Man my pants keep brushing against this cut I have on my leg"
Friend: "Just hipster roll it for now, no one will care."

Guy: "Did you see that guy? He had a hipster roll and he was walking!"

by uskidsknow April 1, 2011

wok and roll

an Asian restaurant that serves both Chinese and Japanese food

I wanted both orange peel shrimp and sushi, so I went to a wok and roll restaurant.

by Pandastic June 9, 2015