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The 7 B’s

Books before boys because boys bring babies

“Follow the seven bs
“What are the 7 b’s
“Boys before boys because boys bring babies”

by Someone sad June 2, 2018

58👍 18👎

Feburary 7

People born on these days are probably the hottest people you meet!

Person: How did I get so lucky with Sienna shes so hot!
Other person: DUH she was born on Feburary 7!!

People born on These days are not only the hottsest but pretty smart too, they are always sussceful and do care what other people think although inside they really dont care

by zodiac_expert_ October 25, 2019

92👍 32👎


Clean clear pop, lemon-limey flavored, taste good going down.

The green version is good too.

by Saints September 23, 2003

109👍 39👎

Glock 7

A fake gun, clearly and concisely defined in the first post above. However, some people apparently cannot read (or refuse to actually read the entire definition before posting one of their own), and fail to grasp the basic concept of satirical humor.

"I go on Urban Dictionary and half-ass read the definitions of things like "Glock 7"; I then write a juvenile response, effectively making myself look like a "pinhead".

by TriggerTeacher December 18, 2011

218👍 85👎

September 7

The day the guys with the biggest cocks are born on. They usually get all the hoes.

He was born on September 7 so he must have a giant cock and all the hoes.

by Big daddy 550 October 22, 2020

14👍 2👎

Numba 7

Student Arnab Smurfy watches PORN and gets NAKED

Arnab stop doing numba 7!!!

by RaoCruzMurthi January 4, 2022

12👍 2👎

Year 7

Cocky little children who are in the youngest in secondary school and piss all the other years off.

year 7: AHHHHHHHH TIG! youre it! ahhahahahhahhaa

by O0O0OHNOSE.itsyamom. November 6, 2007

124👍 46👎