When someone has uses both fists, one in the vagina, the other in anal cavity. Fisting them both simultaneously
Mike, used his bulbous hands to greenwood packer her.
a pudin packer is when a guy fuckes another dude in the ass or a girl in the ass.
hey i heard jimmy was a pudin packer and he fucked kyle in his ass till it bleed
horny dude be like hey can i pudin pack you
chick be like da fuck
Person that would be smoking large amounts of methamphetamine in a pipe. Because meth turns into a liquid when heat is applied.
Goddamn puddle packer!! get some sleep!!
The act of filling an Arab persons intestines cement, waiting for it to dry and then going to town on their ass. Breaking up the cement and letting it crumble from their anus. Resembling a dirt concoction.
I let this taxi driver give me an Arabian dirt packer!
literally the hottest girl you will ever come across, no one is better then makenzie packer, no one compares to her, she is perfect.
random: “omg is that THE Makenzie Packer”
Makenzie: Yes bitch
basically the grand canyon of whores.
My sister is the biggest wacker packer I have ever met.
A term used to call someone gay, usually towards Scottish people.
This term is often used with the classic Scottish sarcasm. Therefore, this can be a friendly greeting as well as an insult. The same way Scottish people call each other “cunts” all the time as a friendly greeting.
Using this with the intent as a homophobic insult in Scotland could potentially be perceived as a hate crime under the Hate Crime & Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021.
However, using it as a sarcastic greeting among normal friends is just part of the classic Scottish banter.
Friendly Greeting (In Sarcastic Scottish Accent):
“How’s it going ya filthy haggis packer?”
Insult (Homophobic Tendencies):
“Fuck off ya filthy haggis packer!”
“Suck me aff ya disgusting haggis-packing bastard!”