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faggoty-ass kids that stole volcom, adio, DC, element, hurley, and so on, so now those companies arent cool

preps lick nutsweat, and do anything Laguna beach tells them to do

by chodelai May 9, 2006

12๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) someone who attends a preparatory school
2) an outcast in the eyes of outcasts because of the clothes they wear the music they listen to and their obsession with material items...more often than not these cliques that despise the preps are just to damn jealous of the fact that these "preps" seem to be completely happy and everyone else wants in on it, when really they should stop being a bunch of pathetic losers who judge the preps that they despise on the very things that the preps judged them on....in all reality the so called "preps" don't despise these "lesser" people, They just don't give a shit about them and their black clothing, shitty music, and cliche art featuring a girl in full black attire and blood.

Greg hated Steve cause he thought Steve was a prep. Steve doesn't even know who the hell greg is...

by xSvenx August 16, 2005

11๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone who is concieted, full of them selves, self centered etc. follows trends, and usually listens to pop, hip hop, or rap aka Hillary Duff, Eminem, or Ludacris. hates anyone who isnt like them...

OMG Becky look at her, isnt she like soooo FAT! I mean i thought that Brittney was but dang, this girl is packin!!!

by Lost in Heartache August 14, 2005

18๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž


A prep is a person who's favorite words are usually like, omg, totally, and any other valley girl word that they can come up with. Their favorite color is generally pink, and they love to shop at American Eagle, Abercrombie and Fitch, and Hollister, or even sometimes Anchor Blue. The percentage of preps that are posers is about 50%. They are usually skinny blondes, with an occasional brunette. Preps tend to date jocks, and vise versa. Most of the time, preps are cheerleaders, on the dance team, and spend every day talking on the phone for 4 hours to their boyfriend of the week. Preps are not always sluts, but a lot of the times they are. Preps generally idolize Jessica Simpson, Hilary Duff, and consider Avril Lavigne 'too goth for them'. Preps usually have rich daddys, and have some type of small dog.

1. "OMG that sweater at American Eagle that you bought is totally cute!", said Ashley.

2. Look at that chick in the pink American Eagle shirt, she must be a prep.

by jisyourlover December 25, 2005

18๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž


not necesarily a conformist. prep really has to do with where u go to school and how much money ur family has (i'd say that preps are typically upper middle class).

preps are generally sheltered, by parents, teachers, ect. that's why they don't have much life experience and a prep's life is not particularly interesting. hence the extra-curriculars- the idea is to fill up ur time, and then since u have something to do, u think ur not so boring after all.

unfortunatly tho, u are.

a prep isn't necesarily interested in school/ grades. in fact, a lot of preps are lazy. altho, that's often just what they say, because in the end, most of them care, even if it's just a little bit.

also, not all preps are posers. they're not genuine fakers- most of them realize they're losers.

basically, don't hate preps- we hate ourselves enough already.

it sucks ass to be a prep.

by superflychick May 31, 2006

9๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


A prep is someone you should not hate or look down upon. You should instead feel sorry for a prep. A prep is someone who has been mislead by society. Most preps have feelings of popularity. Dressing the same and acting bubbley all the time provoke these feelings. The sad, very sad truth is that a prep is a social misfit. While they endlessly giggle to themselves the rest of the world cannot help but laugh at the huge amount of stupidity exerted by these 'preps.'It is wise to not stand in a 10 foot radius of a prep or you may soon develop a slight pain in the ass.

also look under 'poser'&'bitchy'

Tim:*sighs*,*turns around*
Preps:SOOO!!!I havent seen you in a while!*giggling*
Tim:(thinking)-'No shit.'
Tim:(calm voice)I REALLY have to get class.
Prep:oohh ok. Hopefully I'll see ya around!BYE TIMMY!!!
Tim's Friend:who was that???
Tim: I have no fucking clue.

by megantb October 18, 2006

7๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Some dumb-ass poser who spends to much money on Hollister, American Egal, Ect. Usually is full of themselves. UsUaLlY TyPeS LiKe ThIs...

Megan: Hollister, The best fucking store ever.
Jordan: What the fuck is wrong with you....
Megan: What? Its Hawt!
Jordan: *under breath* Fucking prep.

by Samm XD October 18, 2008

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