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bam said the lady

Nathan Fillion is an Emmy-award winning actor par excellence, and he created this highly popular original phrase. "Bam, said the lady", "bam said the lady" or its short form, "BSTL", is used as a primarily positive interjection to support prior statements. Here is its meaning as he describes it. (See his tweets on the Twitter page belonging to NathanFillion:)

"Bam, said the lady" means:

•There you go.

•Done. And... scene.

•Look at that!

•Holy Smoke!

•Slam dunk.

•I'm finished.

•C'est tout."

Nathan Fillion, the gorgeous, sexy, and supremely talented leading man who stars in the fabulous TV series "Castle", also says his phrase on the show!

Here are some of Nathan Fillion's quotes as examples:

("BSTL" can be used in place of "Bam, said the lady" or "bam said the lady.")

Example #1:

Nathan Fillion: "That's right. There's this kind of stuff going on in LA. Eat your heart out, NY! Bam, said the lady. "

Example #2:

Nathan Fillion: "Have to work Saturday and Sunday. Birds go hungry. Bam, said the lady."

Example #3:

Nathan Fillion: "Just did a Feed the Birds in episode three of Castle. Also, tried to squeeze in obscure Firefly reference. Bam, said the lady."

Example #4:

Nathan Fillion, after completing filming of an episode of Castle: "Episode 4. Scene 34. Bam, said the lady."

Example #5:

Query: "What's a good catch phrase?"

Nathan Fillion: "Mine: Bam, said the lady!"

Example #6:

Nathan Fillion: "The Incredibles was the best movie ever made. Ever. Made. BSTL." (Bam, said the lady.)

Example #7:

Nathan Fillion's query: "Anybody else putting BAM, SAID THE LADY into their daily vernacular?"

Nathan Fillion's faithful followers' answer: "Oh, yeah! Bam, said the lady!"

by Kcat10 July 19, 2010

2076👍 22693👎

that's what she said

You are wasting your time reading this.....Go open your books and study something.

Ok I got it....That's what she said.

by Killer@ShadyXV January 5, 2017

2👍 8👎

That's what the gay guy said

1. Replacement of "That's what she said," although, it is funnier because people usually do not make this connection themselves; A subtle way to call the other person a homosexual.

Man #1: "No, that doesn't go there!"
Man#2: "That's what the gay guy said. Hahahaha."

by LezzieLovers August 2, 2009

17👍 9👎

That's what he or she said

A response to a phase that can be interpreted as sexual innuendo said by either the male or female in a sexual relationship.

Girl 1: Wow, there smaller than I expected!
Girl 2: That's what he or she said!

by Provaporizer April 9, 2009

9👍 4👎

emma just said gleba

"one of the most epic friends line"

Ross: "what?"
Joey: "well, what did she say?"
Rachel: "Emma just said gleba!"

by xXsavageXjackieXx October 5, 2021

Mom Said I Could

if mom says you can, then you can

no matter what ANYBODY else says

Normal Person- "Wait why are you in my car?"
Weird Person- "mOm sAiD i cOuLd..."

by SquatingDog March 14, 2020

You said. You say

You said you love me
Then you say you don't love me
You said you need me
Then you say you don't need me
You said you want my love
Then you say my love is not what you want.

You said.
I said.
Everyone else said.
No longer between us.
You said. You say.
by The Gardener in Fairy Tales January 05, 2022

by Time Capsule💊 April 19, 2023