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Everyone that is "scene" always has to clairfy that they are not, in fact, scene. Which by saying that makes you interperet them as said scene just because they told you not to portray them that way.

Myspace profile:
"i like dinosaurs robots and bows in my hair.
i'm too cool for capital letters.
i like hardcore shows and moshing.
i have extensions.
i am not fucking scene, so don't call me that!"

"so and so has: 1234567890 friends."
"displaying 234567890234567890 out of 3356321543106840267105465135 comments."

by PeetWentz August 2, 2006

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Like emo, but too much of a pussy to cut themselves/not quite enough of an attention whore to cut themselves. In other words, a worthless piece of shit that should fuck off and die. Just because you and your small group of friends SAY you are cool, does not make you so. Actively searching out obscure indie bands just so you can say 'I liked them before they were famous' makes you scum. And for fucks sake, stop filling Steve Jobs' pockets with money. Losers.

*At the mall, shopping for new CDs*

Friend one= "Goddamn, all these scene kids falling over each other to buy shitty music"

Friend two= "Get the fuck out of my way, I'm trying to find QUOTSA's new album!!"

Friend one= "Damnit I left my knife at home..."

Friend two= "Don't worry, I brought mine, time to clean out the dregs of the gene-pool!"

Friend one= "Fuck yeah!"

by chrishallett83 May 8, 2008

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Scene kids: (Noun) The kids who have lots of @^&#$*%^@! stuff in their names on AIM, Myspace, Livejournal, Xanga, ect... Or, not a name at all, but something like, "The depressed teenage angst inside my mind is wasted on you." Over 70% of scene kids are addicted before the age of 13, and usually realise it isn't cool around the age of 17, but there ARE some exceptions. They listen to music no one has heard of (including themselves, they make it up) The stile however, does not have to be Emo, you will often find "Gothic" "Xcore" and "Punk" scene kids.
Most importantly, a scene kid believes that everyone else is trying to be like them, and they are the originals. Please note the great example of irony.

*^<>~Xcoretothemax~<>^* wrote: So i got this new CD the other day... its by "A Place Far From Home" its totally awesome!!11!1

Metalhead24 wrote: Hey, Scene kid, that band isnt real, you made them up.

*^<>~Xcoretothemax~<>^* wrote: NO, Their real, you just havnt hrd of em, their "UG Xcore".

Metalhead24 wrote: Whats UG Xcore?

*^<>~Xcoretothemax~<>^* wrote: Under Ground Hard Core, god, l1ke, dont U k^0W 4nyTh1^g?

Metalhead24 wrote: Apparently Not.

*^<>~Xcoretothemax~<>^* wrote: p053R.

by Snowskater13 November 17, 2005

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A new trend for teenagers, based around the hardcore music scene.
THE MUSIC: Scene kids listen to screamo, emo, post-hardcore music, metal, classic rock and many other genres. Most of these bands are un-signed, which Scene kids find on websites such as myspace or purevolume. A "true" Scene Kid will declare his favourite band as a sell-out the moment they are heard on the radio.
THE FASHION: A unique combination between emo, punk and glam-rock. Boys wear tight retro T-shirts and skinny jeans. Converse, Vans and other skate shoes are a must, but retro trainers are also trendy. Both boys and girls wear alot of make up. Piercings are popular. Accesories such as scarves, wristbands, studded belts and "New Era" caps are very important. The fashion is similar to emo in many ways, but alot more colourful.
HAIR: Scene hair is the most unique around today. It's hard to define, as the more unique it is, the more scene it is. Girls usually have medium length hair cut choppy and dyed multi-coloured. Boys have medium to long hair, with a very long fringe swept across the face (cut choppy) and spiked up at the back. This is usually dyed. Most scene kids straighten their hair.
ATTITUDE: Although often confused with emo, scene kids attitude couldn't be more different. A sterotypical scene kid is over-confident and thinks he or she is the most gorgeous person in the world.
-Scene kids MUST have a myspace, where they post hundreds of pictures of themselves every day. They use very distinct internet language, saying things "rawrrr! dat new pic is the sex!! u luk so radddd and gawjusss!!!"
-Scene kids have many interests, other than music, including art, drama and poetry. Most scene kids form bands.
-Scene kids constantly talk about wierd things like dinosaurs and pirates.
-There is alot of abuse directed at scene kids because of most scene kids "superior" attitude and also because of similarities to the emo culture.

"Look at that Scene kid"
"That guy is so scene"
"That T-shirts a bit scene"

by [x]//Scratch-card-glory\\[x] August 21, 2007

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Right, let's have a definition from somebody who is already scene. No more haters.

- Tight jeans may be baggy if others are in wash
- Tight band t-shirt/vintage t-shirt
- Hair over one eye/just curved over one eyebrow, usually straightened
- Listens to bands like Lostprophets, Kill Hannah, Youmeatsix and Enter Shikari
- Vans slip ons, Skate trainers or Converse
- Choppy hair, maybe razored
- Hoody
- Vintage T-shirt
- Tight jeans
- skate shoes

All scenesters
- will go to a concert/show to socialise, listen to the music and mosh in the pit with each other
- have a myspace
- have fun with friends.
- wear black/red eyeliner
- have hairspray/gel/wax/mousse.

Haters are very much disliked in scene.
You all have your own stereotype, why do you have to make fun of us? Just because we look different to you and like different things to you and like different music to you doesn't mean we are lesser humans, we are just as equal as you!

Mother: Come on we're going to the store!
Scenester: Just getting my hair straightened!
Scenester #1: Oh cool, nice new lostprophets t-shirt, where'd you get it?
Scenester #2: Ebay.
Scenester #3: Yeh, it's awesome, dude.

by Scene-kid RAWRZORS July 13, 2008

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There are many different types of scene.

Usually meant to describe a new fashion rise, or a new type of social group.
There is :The Punk Scene, The New Scene, The Hardcore Scene, The Metal Scene, The Emo Scene, The Preppy Scene, The Art Scene, The Nerd Scene, The Jock Scene and so on and so forth.
The so called 'scene kids' that usually come to your mind when you hear the name are actually the 'new' scene kids.
They are the ones who tend to have very outrageous hair and clothes.
I happen to like dinos and this does not make me scene.
Scene is a word associated with every social clique.
As in all groups of people there are good ones and bad ones.
This 'New' scene is no exception, however that does not mean that you have to osctirsize and hate them.
The reason these 'New' Scene kids are called scene kids is because there really isnt another name to describe them because they seem to be a mixture of all previous scene's in the decades previous.

A scene is also something in a play.
A scene is associated with every group of people.

by JackieLynnn July 11, 2008

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since there's a bunch of haters
telling you their version of a ridiculous stereotype.
so maybe you guys would want to hear what scene is from someone who is,
you know,

so here it goes.
a scene kid is someone who generally doesn't give a crap of what other's think of them.
it's that simple.
not all sceney's are all "KTHNXBAI", like definition 1 says.
okay? we're just kids who got tired of caring what people want to label us, and just made our own label.

-confuse scene with emo, they are two completely different things.
-think that we all wear skinny jeans, and all love screamo, and all love plastic bows and spikey hair. many do, but some don't.

-there are often two sides of scene:
the drugheads, and the straightedges.
drugheads: do whatever. often weed.
straightedges: are decidedly AGAINST drugs and alcohol.
so don't decide not to be friends with a sceney just because you've heard they all do drugs, and are all stuck up beyyotches.

how to spot a sceney:
usually will be wearing tight jeans, vans, and a t-shirt from either a concert, hottopic, zumiez, etc.
almost always have something radically different going on with their hair. often is ratted, dyed, dyke spiked, super straight, or all of the above
i'm NOT saying this is what EVERY sceney looks like, but many are.

by jane`sceney November 12, 2007

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