High Explosive shell are fitted with a strong steel case, a bursting charge, and a fuse. The fuse detonates the bursting charge which shatters the case and scatters hot, sharp case pieces called shrapnel. It can cause damaged to soft personnel and lightly armored vehicles.
M10 Crew: Is that a Panzer IV loaded with a HE Shell?
Panzer IV: Ja
M10:* Explodes due to being an open top*
Shell gas station/ MacDonalds were all the shit goes down
Tim got fucked up at the Mac Shell last nite
Slang for being extremely busy, having been extremely busy or both.
Busy person (picking up phone): "What !?! This had better be good! I am skating on shell casings here, you know!"
Caller: "The boss wants the names of who we are sending to the hazardous materials training."
Busy Person: "Yeah, I'll get right on that"
Southern slang for vigorous fornication, often behind a barn or under a pecan tree.
"I heard Mary Beth and Billy Bob slipping and sliding on the pecan shells last night"
A shell used typically for tacos; strictly used by Mexicans
Puerto Rican’s don’t use soft shells, Mexicans do.
You say this when you kick something that's big and has the possibility to pwn sum1's nads
Guy 1: Hey dudes, check this! KOOPA SHELL! *kicks a rubber ball*
*Rubber ball pwns someone's nads*
Guy 2: Oooh sthhhhh! Aaaagh! my nads
Guy 1: Now u know y i said "Koopa Shell"