Online Assholes that think they are a hacker for getting a script that prints 1 + fucking 1.
Script kiddies can be defined as someone who copies pre-existing code for any type of script but acts as if they are some anonymous type hackers
Person one: Yo look at this complex code I made!
Person two: Stfu you took that from Google skid.
Someone who like sPoOkY mOnTh
Skid and Pump love spooky month!
A cute tiny skeleton child that shall be protected forever :)
Skid likes spooky month (idk what to put here ;-;)
The definition of skid is someone who thinks he’s in a gang (group of affiliated criminals) and smokes, vapes and does drugs because they want to fit in. They think they are cool even tho the cool kids are the ones who stay in school!
Tom: Did you hear about josh gonyeau
Marc: yeah that nasty skid
Tim: I know right skids try to hard
A stolen Item, Something taken and barely modified, A copy of noticeably worse qaulity
Fortblox is just a fortnite Skid
Fortnite players, or the “skidmarks” of society
“Lmao look at that Fortnite kid over there”
“Ikr he’s such a skid”