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Surfing the Desktop

When your internet is down and you're trying to find whatever porn you have saved on your computer.

"Dammit, the internet's down. Guess I gotta go surfing the desktop"

by Left Half of Hitler's Stache October 15, 2016

surf in turf

What an uneducated moron types instead of “surf n’ turf” or “surf & turf”.

Both of the latter are a main course combining seafood (typically shell fish such as lobster, shrimp, etc.) and red meat.

Sean: Hey, want to get surf in turf?
Me: You mean surf n turf? Bone Apple Tea!

by IL-Gamma September 19, 2019

Obsessive surfing

To constantly surf the Internet, sometimes with out noticing you were doing it.

"I'm so addicted to the Internet I keep finding my self obsessive surfing!"

by bro fist July 14, 2015

yeatsie surf

a really hyped up surfer who cant even surf but everyone thinks he can because he has long hair. He is a poser.

person 1: this guy looks good

person 2: nah hes a yeatsie surf for sure

by dankKINGx360dukelordMLG April 3, 2018

Taxi surfing

Jumping on top of an un/suspecting cab/taxi and surfing/balancing around london(or wherever you may be) for as long as you can while it is in motion.

If you are feeling extra skilled try and do it on a skateboard on top of the taxi.

I am yet to find someone who will actaully give Taxi surfing a real go.

Although some people have been known to grab onto the back of a taxi. Standing/ Skating on top of one in motion would be a serious challenge.

by stasia909 April 25, 2010

Pocket Surfing

When your smart phone remains unlocked in your pocket and clicks on things outside of your knowing.

Random Message: dude, who are you? What's with all the thumbs and waves?
You: What? Oh shit, I'm sorry. My phone must have been pocket surfing. I gotta be more careful about that.

by QuiteRadical June 23, 2022

clam surfing

The process of rubbing a semi erect penis across the opening of a moist vagine.

She wouldn't let me stick it in, I had to settle for some heavy clam surfing. White capped her belly.

by Mschmidthead June 6, 2017