Pog, and Swag mixed together to make one
Woah bro! That was so swaggers (Poggers + Swag)
An expression that shouldn't be used on a Spider-Man Miles Morales game reviw just because it exists.
"The way he leaps off rooftops and flips backwards to face the camera before falling into a headfirst dive is just full of the exaggerated swagger of a black teen. It gives me goosebumps every time he does it."
the perfect word, when poggers and swag kiss
‘what have you been doing in quarantine?’
‘literally just watching minecraft hardcore. nothing else.’
‘hey dude, that’s pretty swaggers 🔥😎’
'Swag' and 'poggers' combined.
Used to express excitement or just as a filler word when you don't know how to react.
"Hey look at this cool thing that I got!"
"That's so swaggers, homie..."
Looking cool, fly, nice, awesome, epic.
Yo Michael is the definition of swagger.
Anna has NO swagger.
Looking cool, fly, awesome, epic
Michael is the definition of swagger.
Anna has no swagger.