A woman with a perfect ass, straight out of the Garden of Eden.
Goddamn, girl, that is a Bible Bootie if I've ever seen one.
A double backflip performed in a wheelchair. First accomplished and named by Aaron Fotheringham, a young man confined to a wheelchair.
Aaron Fotheringham used a 60-foot bungee cord to gain enough speed for the bible flip.
A list of defined rules made up by woman that they want men to follow.
I had to consult the bitch bible when she got mad at me for saying "she should smile"
A giant bump that you hit with a bible to cure. Commonly found in the Wild West.
Looks like ol davie got himself a bible bump again.
While raising your hands during worship, revealing your conceal carry to the congregation.
Bruh, I didn't know Josiah carried, he is straight up Bible Brandishing right now.
When you try and say bubble baths but autocorrect says no
“I like bible bats” “FUCK AUTOCORRECT”
Bible man is so epic it’s the coolest show you should watch it
“Bro I just binged all three seasons of Bible man”