As Nayvadius “Future” DeMun Wilburn said, catch covid not feelings mfs.
Diego: Someone needs to create a bible for the streets
Dora: Futurisms 3:66 exists bruh
Diego: But covid over?
Dora: Still rather catch that shit
You will not be important in the future and you are not important now. So stop complaining.
Whiner: Man, they really need to pay me more at work.
Aaron: Man, YOU AIN'T THE FUTURE OF SHIT! Stop bitchin'
A not-very-nice way to call your Jewish friend. It’s a reference to Holocaust, since Jewish people were made into soap during WWII.
Oh hey, future soap bar! How are you enjoying Poland?
Me to dara
Me: I am you but from the future
Dara: O_o
Me: :D
I need night vision goggles. *cry*
My future is so bleak I need night vision goggles
Shit that will never get done.
The customer has requested a future enhancement .
I'm Taking This Fight Somewhere Else
Domain Wasteland Future