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stinky tina

A darker version of a wet willy, where the finger is inserted into ones anus upon completion of a fresh poop before being shoved into the victims ear canal.

Why does your head smell funny? My fucking dad hit me with a stinky tina...

by Conservicon August 19, 2017

stinky poopiehead

Calling someone a stinky poopiehead is a complimentary way of insulting everything about them

"Hey you, you are stupid"
"Actually, your a stinky poopiehead"

by Byrontall November 17, 2019

stinky coyote

The howling noise an individual makes the first time doing anal due to the pain.

The neighbors were concerned for my girlfriend because she did a Stinky Coyote last night.

by BigBoiPapa December 26, 2016

Stinky Costanza

Taking a long, skinny shit inside someones wallet. Possibly after swallowing a few hard candies whole.

A: Don't worry, I'll pay for dinner.... aww fuck! Someone Stinky Costanza'd me....

by moist1 February 4, 2012

stinky coochie

What Paula Deen said and got her cooking show canceled.
It means Vagina

This dish smells like a stinky coochie.


Stinky Twist

A woman lies on her stomach while a man sticks his dick into her asshole then begins spinning like a Beyblade.
Lube will help achieve more spin.

Brian: “Dude, last night she let me give her the stinky twist!!! It was awesome!! I spun soooo fast!!!

Bob: Niiiice!!!

by Bobbyboybreastmilk July 9, 2022

stinky moe

A person that stinks as fuck but still looks cute.

You are so stinky moe!!!

by suckerskrskrskr July 31, 2018