trolling Wikipedia by linking words or phrases in articles to unrelated or obscene pages.
I went link trolling on "currency" by linking random numbers to "69(sex position)"
A skin for the character "Link" from the title "Super Smash Bros.: Melee" which is entirely white. Making him appear as if he is a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
"I'm about to wipe the floor with your cotton-picking asses with klan-link."
The act of wrapping a rubber band around the center of the shaft, creating two linked dicks, akin to a sausage link.
My dick is so sore from super raging d-link
A Steamy Link is when two people sharing a double sided dildo for anal play. When the dildo is inserted deep into both rectums and both users defecate ate the same time. This is a steamy link. Also Dave is a piece of shit....
Oh man Dave and Adam shared a steamy link.
Landing on a web-page or article while browsing the web, with no idea why and no memory of how you got there.
Brian: Where did you find that article you were telling me about?
Melissa: No idea, I got really bad link amnesia as soon as I started reading.
Copy a URL (address) on a desktop or laptop. Right-click the URL you want to copy. Or click on this symbol 🔗
c-link if you feel sorry for them.
c link to get more followers
The Rick roll link is the greatest link of all time for many reasons like it's a good way to troll your friends and get back at them for something they did
The greatest link is exactly what it is it is the greats link of all time :)