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Waxing the candle

A sexul act in which a man puts the wick of a candle in his dick hole, then proceeds to light it and put hot wax on his hands while jacking off.

I was just waxing the candle.

by Vietkong_Solider_113 January 18, 2019

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Waxing the turtle

To consume larger quanities of marijuana at one time. To polish the "green".

Timmy and i just got done "waxing the turtle".

by drhandbanana May 29, 2010

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turd waxing

The act of removing unwanted pubic hair mimicking a brazilian wax by spreading fresh softened feces around your genital region, and allowing to dry for a considerable length of time. This could take days or even months. Then when the applied defacation has dried into a tough crusted form one removes the entire sheath ripping of all pubic hair. The odor and pain is part of the process.

Dude when I slid it in there was no resitance. My bawls are like silk due to turd waxing!

by Jessa Pee June 1, 2009

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Ghetto Wax

To use tape instead of wax to remove hair or dead skin from various parts of the body. Most effective on the peeling resulting from sunburns on pasty white people.

Chick: Ewww, I'm peeling from this sunburn.

Dude: Just ghetto wax that shit right off.

by chahenE July 2, 2010

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wax sex

after having sex, one partner waxes the others genetals.

gregory had wax sex with his girlfreind

by ev bev February 11, 2009

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Wax Ass

A term used in the gangster community, meaning sexual intercourse

I'm totally going to wax ass this weekend.

by epoh27 April 28, 2010

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bulgarian wax

someone who has an excessive amount of unmaintained pubic hair; the antithesis of a brazilian.

Guy: Jesus tapdancing christ woman! I thought you said you got a brazilian wax!

Girl: Oh no, it's a bulgarian wax.

by BillBrasky May 15, 2006

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