When someone shits in the canoe
"Yo Jared totally came up with booty chalupa"
A very interesting and scary guy. He kind of looks like Spurned Progeny (boss) from Lords of The Fallen but he is also a platypus so he's got platypus parts. And he will hump you (only if you are a guy) if you're not careful so watch out for him when you go to bars late at night. He likes to hide in dark alleyways by populated areas. He will stalk out his prey and once he gets the chance, he will start to strip and pull a crowbar out of his rectum, then proceed to start humping the victim. BUT there is a way to prevent that. If you have a muskrat nearby, you can bait him and he will start humping the muskrat.
"I got to watch out for The Stalking Midnight Human Platypus Stripper Butthole Crowbar Prey Humping Muskrat Booty Bandit when I go out to the bars tonight"
Digital booty refers to a person that posts or shows off their fat ass and doesnt t know how to move it
it’s just for show n tell not for actual booty moving purposes.
“*scrolling on ig* oh this bitch got a fat ass”
“oh nah man i saw that bitch in the club tryna twerk? tuh bitch got a digital booty”
“damn it won’t moving at all? a lil tremble? rustle in leaves?”
“niggah nawl”
A guy who has little standards and sleeps with the trashiest women that will put out.
Josh is such a booty trawler. All his girls look like trailer park rejects.
A Phrase when your friend or you figure out that you have a booty, that mysteriously appeared overnight.
When someone doesn't show their ass and when they do, BAM. They got that spooky booty
Wakes up's, checks mirrors*
Damn, I got that spooky booty.
Describing someone
Friend 1- Did you see Sarah in that tight dress, last night?
Friend 2- Yeah. She looked great.
Friend 1- I know. She has a Spooky booty. I didn't think she had one
Friend 2- Yeah.
Kicking something with your booty
I just booty kicked the door shut
Inserting a slim, prepaid phone into the rectum of your partner inside of a condom, and repeatedly calling while having penetrative vaginal sex.
"Irene and I were having a browntown booty call when she ran out of minutes."