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Josh brown to his ex from 4 years ago

Josh is such a simp for Caitlin

by Defotruth2020 April 20, 2020


Marc Warren. A Spanish guy who simps over every girl on planet earth. Simps always drive black rav 4’s and play tennis. They use tennis as a personality, when they actually suck at the sport

Yo dude. A marc Warren is trynna simp over my girl. He always asks her if she wanna go build a bear

by yobro2fly November 17, 2021


A word overly used when someone will give another person the world and abandon their friends for their love, then people will overreact and start calling that person out saying “SIMP!” But it’s just love 💕.

Eli: “I love you jeslin

Other people: “oooo he’s simping on a girl!!”

by That1guydathascommonsense June 24, 2020


A simple person. A simpleton. A dumbass. A retard.

Dude Michael is being a massive simp right now - he doesn’t know what 1+1 is.
I know right? Fuckin’ simp.

by Admastvia March 13, 2020


Levi Lawhorn

"Bruh, Levi is such a simp. His girl has cheated on him twice and he still be runnin after that bitch"

by tinyppman October 2, 2020


The person who screamsWAIT” every time someone does anything in a tv show

Bruh Alexis ur such a simp

by HolsumChikin January 17, 2022


Simp king is usually a person called David!

Damn David really do be a simp but at least he simps over his girlfriend only!

by RULA G June 28, 2020