The best fever dream steam game
Guy1: have you played Juice Galaxy?
Guy2: my brother in Christ what the fuck is that
Guy1: fever dream the game
Guy2: ah
The booster juice man is a booster juice cup but if you take a sip he will appear and take your bibaja
Oh no it’s the booster juice man help!!!
Midwest slang for orange juice containing the drug propylhexedrine aka Benzedrex. The drug can be bought over the counter in the form of a nasal inhaler normally used for allergies. If you break the inhaler and take out the cotton inside and soak it in orange juice or any acidic beverage for 24 hours the active ingredient (propyl) is extracted. Propyl has similar effects to amphetamine and methamphetamine and induces a state of intense focus and euphoria. It is also horrible for your vascular system and causes severe vasoconstriction.
In simple terms you will go sicko mode and probably will end up on meth if you weren’t already when you took the Jesus Juice. It’s called Jesus Juice because it makes you feel like Jesus and it will bring you back from the dead.
Me: Hey bro do you want some speed laced orange juice?
Homie: Oh, shit did you put your Vyvanse into OJ?
Me: Nah I ran out like a week ago, this is Jesus Juice! It feels just as good if not better. You can feel your brain cells dying so it must be good.
The thing you always wanted, but never had the balls to get
John: Dude, my girlfriend's sister is so hot.
Jack: Yeah, she's sick juice.
A nice, tasty and smooth juice
I want to drink juice on fleek with my friends.
Liquid variant of the art tool commonly used by children. Can be served sat any temperature, because let’s be honest, if you’re at the point of drinking liquified crayons, who cares if it’s hot or cold?
Person 1: Yo dude, this crayon juice has gone off!
Person 2: You’re an idiot, crayons can’t go off.