A newly created acronym replacing the common term "YOLO", it stands for "Fuck It, Shit Happens". Most commonly used as an excuse/motivator when one is about to perform a reckless action.
"Hey man, I don't think snorting that crushed up mint is a good idea"
"Yeah probably not, but FISH"
"You're right!"
when someone wants rid of an item
they hold it up and say fish
the first person to say fish fish get the item
Guy 1: Fish *holds up a can of coke*
guy 1 gives guy 2 the can of coke
F. uck
I. t
S. hit
H. appens
Shit happens sometimes. Similar to YOLO
“Oh my god I can’t believe I made out with him!”
“FISH! It doesn’t fucking matter that you hooked up with her ex, shit happens.”
Friend: Welp that's sucks..
Me: Yuppers welp... F.I.S.H man
Friend fish?
Me: yup F.uck I.t S.hit H.appens.
Friend: dope