Source Code

SJW (Social Jews 'n Wuzlims)

It is one step further of your common SJW (Social Justice Warrior). This specimen is actually going after your family and whatnot until all of them are dead. While the original SJW only works on the internet, this SJW 2.0 is ruining everything in your life off- and online in a sustainable way. Your life ends now. Beware of the wrath of god, the SJW (Social Jews 'n Wuzlims) will get you. This is also a warning when you enter one of the many Middle Eastern countries at the border.

Watch your tongue you infidel. If you say anything against Quran, Islam or Allah, Punishment will be done.

"What is wrong with this religious freak? Careful, he is a Wuz. What is a Wuz? That's short for SJW (Social Jews 'n Wuzlims)."

by The_Paper October 27, 2017

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maulduune's w e e n o r

maulduune's w e e n o r is when a papi bembi makes a wocky slush and literally pours it on his w e e n o r

person: ayo he just did a maulduune's w e e n o r

by Xx_71_w e e n o r_71_xX January 22, 2021

Epilepsy [ep-il-ep-sy] ~ n. pl.

Maximising the potential of one's brain: Using the brain to recharge the body: Powers gifted only to selected ninja's and/or warriors
~ s. The power to take on the world and succeed.

Epilepsy ep-il-ep-sy ~ n. pl.

by HolyScreennameB@man July 29, 2012

11๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž



Say mayne u gotta n-e-w-p-o-r-t

by Thowd September 29, 2005

41๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

rag em, bag em 'n' tag em

a phrase often encouraging rage in a person to cause mass triumph over multiple hostiles

a group of chavs decide to pick on a couple normal guys, little do the chavs know that one of the guys is world boxing champ and has a can of whoop ass in his hand.
the other guy then says to his mate lets rag em, bag em 'n' tag em.

by alx potham April 21, 2008

12๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

dick do gank yank n ho

When a man has a belly bigger than his dick and masturbates constantly and jizzes on anything like plastic bags, dirty clothes, hats, kids toys...NASTY...dick do gank yank n ho...

Dick do gank yank n ho : Bruce sure is a dick do gank yank and ho!

by Justice League Kat December 28, 2019

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D ฮž M ร˜ N#6606

D ฮž M ร˜ N#6606 Is the most coolest person in the whole world on the discord universe.

Yo D ฮž M ร˜ N#6606 kicks some ass on discord every day!!

by BOOTYBOLE June 19, 2022

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