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S h n o i c e

S h n o i c e is a word to describe something amazing, stunning and incredible. Many would use this word to describe an object, a piece of work or a photo.

Wow that story is S h n o i c e

by Katieeeeeeeeeeeeeee loves pigs December 7, 2020

Smack My taint, n call me daddy

something you say when you are surprised/ happy about something.

"How much is this car?" -me
"$500"- man
"seriously?" "Smack my taint, n call me daddy!"-me

by Bailey Gynther February 17, 2020

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

N i p p l e s

The word said when c o n s u m i n g too much memes

I love to lick my n i p p l e s.

by Nigboynigston May 28, 2017

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


niggas either winning pimpin or running thangs

i only smoke newports.

by PAYASO November 13, 2003

104πŸ‘ 163πŸ‘Ž

National white people say the N-word day

December 6 is the time we’re white people can say then word with no N card.

Hey, guess what it’s national white people say the N-word day!

by Nickscat21 December 5, 2019

14πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


Worst guild in world of warcraft, period.

Guy 1: I have to commit suicide, I'm sorry Mom.
Mom 1: Honey why?!
Guy 1: I got kicked out of N E M E S I S...
Mom 1: OMFG!! You suck!! GTFO!!

by Jadler September 4, 2007

33πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž

Rick n morty rick rick rick rick

Definition: It means fuck you in Italian.
Another definition: Rick n morty, Rick n morty, Rick Rick Rick Rick Rick
Another another definition: when you prepare for yesterday because tomorrow is today and it starts raining and going clic clac and my dog starts meowing because of the clic clacs of the rain. Also when your pet turtle dies tomorrow which is very sad because it makes my bunny hungry.

Me: YO wanna hang out my g low-key no cap on god??????
Mar. H: yea my g no cap btw what mouse is best for clicking 30cps in Minecraft I also got mvp+ and these sunglasses costed me like 100 dollars no cap
Me: I don’t give a fuck bih so Rick n morty rick rick rick rick

Definition 2:
Me:Rick n morty, Rick n morty, Rick Rick Rick Rick

Definition 3: bro no cap but yesterday I tommarow like rick n morty rick rick rick rick

by Mario hehehehha May 12, 2022

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