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Meat Blinds

A more respectful way of saying “meat curtains” or “beef curtains”.

Andy: Hey listen, those shorts are far too skimpy, one can almost see your meat blinds

Simon: Andy, I’ll wear what I want, and, for the last time, I have balls.

by Pogoextreme April 1, 2021

on my meat

When a person is on your case

Bro that teacher is is on my meat

by On my meat January 20, 2018

Corned Meat

Man meat with pieces of poop on (usually corn) after anal sex.
Also a reference to Corned Beef, which is also known as bully beef

"Bro don't you love eating Corned Meat?"
"Hell yeah brother, I love the chocolaty after taste!"

by Blyat lol I'm a philanthropist November 11, 2020

wig meat

Getting a blow job

I totally got some wig meat from your sister last night

by Studlaw June 16, 2010

Sneak meat and greet

This is when a girl especially underage girls have sex with boys especially older boys to get them arrested for rape or underage sex with a minor. Some will even blackmail them for money all the time or they will scream rape. A lot of sick dirty shit girls do to get what they want or a girl they hate boyfriend because they not strong enough to beat her ass with him around and will even look like his girlfriend with make up to trick him. So many evil as shit I can’t describe it’s not enough space to type it here. A lot of times girls do this too because they Have hiv and and no one would have sex with them so lie and said he rape her and gave it to her.

This girl out so many good innocent people away with her sneak meat and greet all for the money and ending her best competition so she can be famous over him. Or he humiliated her when he showed her how evil she was online social media but didn’t see her face so she got her worst coldest revenge and laugh about it so hard when she got a tan looking black dark brown skin girl when she’s was really white skin or light skin. And no one can find the real her anymore.

by Megasus Thirst Jesus Christ June 11, 2022

Thinking meat

Thinking meat , a word lost in years of evolution ,only families of the highest of society we’re able to use this word freely. It wasn’t until the brave knight of fisherwick conquered alcoholism and liberated the book of maglad which held the secrets of the universe

“Okay class I’ve set a half term thinking meat quest on your table , you have 6 minutes to complete , now no cheating”

by Yourmasgashisback August 20, 2022

Thinking meat

The brain

I was trying to use my thinking meat, but it failed.

by pseudoluuk September 16, 2018