When two people with shit covered anuses touch eachother's anuses.
Hey zach, wanna hershey kiss? Im feeling up for it tonight.
When politely eating out someone asshole and a little poop ends up on your tounge
Drake: Did you hear about Austin?
Blake: Yeah I heard he got a Hershey Kiss! Lol that's so gross.
The sexual act of pulling butt cheeks apart and rubbing anuses.
Karen winked over her shoulder, and grabbed her asscheeks, spreading them like yeast rolls. "Your move", she said cheekily.
Blanche paused for a moment, surveying that exquisite valley. "Yeah, I'm in", she replied, spreading her own cheeks and bringing her anus in for a perfect Hershey kiss.
Guy 1: Yea she gave me a Hershey Kiss last night.
When a woman poops on a guys penis and sucks it off after they have finished.
I dared this hooker to give me a hershey kiss and she did not reject.
The brown pointy poop you get on the end of your pecker after anal plundering.
"The ol lady musta not cleaned her ass out last night, Yup, ended up with a Hershey Kiss on my pecker"
When your boyfriend farts and then tells you to come kiss him.
My boyfriend farted in the bedroom, and then asked me to come give him a kiss. His Hershey kiss stinks!