It describes a moment where someone says, in public, something incredibly stupid and idiotic. It is named after former US Vice President Dan Quayle who had done this on several occasions.
An example of a Dan Quayle Moment by Dan Quayle himself. "If we do not succeed, we run the risk of failure."
A moment in which a person or situation led to the worst of decisions being made, similar to a bruh moment.
A: Yo did you see Kyra at bike-a-thon yesterday?
B: Naw man I couldn’t go I got busy
A: That’s a poo moment right there.
Vinca Moment (Noun)- A really good time or memory you have.
Sleeping with my girlfriend for the first time was one of my best Vinca Moments.
When oceanblue actually becomes a human for a little instead of a monster
Ocean Moment lol hahah go brrrrrrrrr
When you’re talking to someone while high on marijuana/hashish, and you have a short conversation after which there is a long pause, where both people are thinking about what was just said, until one of you say something.
Tommy: Bro J.I.D does kind of sound like Kendrick Lamar though
Jimmy: Are you crazy? I’ve released farts that sound more like Kendrick than J.I.D does
*long pause (2-4 mins) where both are thinking about what was being discussed*
Jimmy: Damn bro we had another high moment
Tommy: Shit, you’re right
*both burst out in laughter*
*another high moment*
A moment where an insignificant tweet overwhelms the minds of chronically online, self-indulged individuals causing to act in an unsophisticated, hostile manner (i.e. like a Twitta). Twitta moments are unpredictable, but they all end up bad! If they had their own category, Twitta moments would be the main leading source of toxicity with internet users followed by Reddit moments and Tumblr moments. It's a fact!
Some user *posts a satirical joke*
*1 minute later*
Twitter User: “Stop posting cringe, twitta!”
Another Twitter User: “Ey, ey what you say, twitta?”
The User who made the joke: “Oh no, here comes a Twitta moment!”
More Twittas: "What did you say, bitch twitta?!"
"Ey, that's racist, twitta!"
*The tweet starts blowing out of proportion after a few minutes until...*
Now let's see what a Twitta moment looks like outside of the internet.
Person: *wears anime shirt*
Twitta: "Stop wearing cringe, bitch!"
Person: "What did you... wait a minute..."
"I touch grass!" *laughs and walks away*
Twitta: "Where you goin'? Don't you ignore me! This is a perfectly good moment to throw your life away!"
When you do or say something stupid
I’ve had 3 Dylan moments this day. Shit make that 4.