A school competion, usually for some sort of smart people thing.
I got in the spelling bee, and man, it was a nerd-o-rama in there!
It is often translated as thick
M@o@lûmoksami/ is a name that means "One is thick."
A bitch ass that’s always bein a pussy
That dude keeps being a pussy, he must be a pedro O
this is when you put 4 dots instead of three and use a sarcastic tone thru text
person1: it's not a joke!
witness: (sarcastic tone) o mah god....
The Idea of something not being acceptable.
John shouldn't have slapped James,o wrong.
When a man rests one of his balls on the vagina for an extended period of time.
Warning: The Jon O requires exceptional balance.
A washington gang that was made by teenagers that’s now on the map
Ayee yoo!!! did you hear the news? C h e c k m o b b is throwing a party tonight in the city.