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Intergalactic God

These are gods who are above humans. They come from the land of the sea urchin doughnut-shaped globe. The one to the left of turtle back island in IT. Right now rumours state that they are living among us, however, no one has ever witnessed them. They are very good at hiding in plain sight and at avoiding suspicion. They are indubdiously very powerful and quintessentially dangerous.

normal human: hi, are you an intergalactic god?

intergalactic god: no

by Asa The Definer May 7, 2018

ice god

a bitch and a dick

fuck you ice god!!!!

by yt7dyupw980jvigyfeuopicjppweo April 4, 2017

god getting even

Natural consequences to stupid behavior

“I tripped over my shoes that I didn’t put away

“That’s God getting even with you”

by Mike Whittaked January 14, 2023

1👍 2👎

god log

Taking a glorious shit

The dog took a god log on the front yard.

by gdawgW December 10, 2015

god log

God log- a glorious shit

The dog took a god log on the front lawn

by gdawgW December 10, 2015

God spelled backwards is dog

A seemingly blasphemous statement that dog worshippers came up with. Dogs are vermin. They're unclean, unsanitary, dangerous creatures. The Bible talks about them both in a positive and a negative sense, but in those days, dog nuttery wasn't such a thing as it is now with the influences of corporations and the media. This has caused extreme dependency on a sometimes impractical and expensive companion animal to such a degree that it replaces human companionship, so Big Bro can keep them ignorant and indoctrinate them, brainwash them with all sorts of rubbish. There is a rightful and legit provision for service dogs but in spite of health laws and leash laws, these selective bred mutant wolves are brought into public areas where they don't belong and businesses go against health department prohibitions to become dog friendly. Dog nuttery is engineered to get us towards the New World Order. It's subliminally preparing people to worship the Beast. Also think of the duality of god and evil and how reversal of something good is evil. As above so below, Jesus Christ, the Saviour, Lord. The Beast, Antichrist, Satan. God, good all the time, Dog....well you get the idea

God spelled backwards is dog. Dogs are so wonderful! ...
....Uh lady, I don't like dogs must I really give you a reason?...
...You don't like dogs? You're a cold hearted jerk!.....
No Miss Thing, Karen. I love God and I love humans. God spelled backwards is dog may sound like music to your ears but think about the symbolism and evil being opposite of good. Christ, Antichrist. They're conditioning people to worship The Beast. And if you want to be godly you wouldn't judge me because I have the sense to know what's really going on with this dog culture. I won't judge you you can have your dog but keep it at home, out of my eye.

by Sir Carlton February 18, 2024

Children of the gods

A movement of people who believe that aliens visited Earth thousands of years ago. And That worship them and look for there return.
They live a very intellectual and highly cultured life style in an attempt to copy the "gods".

And also work for a world government, and seek to spread there message throughout the worlds population.

He's in the children of the gods.

by Judge dredd7 October 6, 2011