An extremely large bellied woman is laying spread eagle on your bed and while you are eating her out she lifts her belly up and drops it on your head. Effectively recreating the ripple of a water bed in her belly fat.
Beatrice water bedded me while I was performing fellatio on her vaginal region. She was water bedding me because I am a naughty boy.
Please don’t water in me. You don’t have a condom on.
when you are taking a shit and toilet water splashes in your ass
i was shitting earlier and got a toilet water enima
Water resulting from melted ice.
I drank all my water and then the ice melted. The melted ice tastes like after water.
Yoghurt water humour is essentially a more simplistic version of Gen Z humour, consisting of very random actions/wrods (typically in greek for some reason) that tingle the laugh triggers in your brain.
1. ΣΙΕΡΟΚΌΜΟΣ ντορεμιφασολασιντο (example of yoghurt water humour)
2. ΒΑΒΥΛΌΝΙΟΙ ΧΟΥΕΑΥΟΥΓΙΑΓΙΑΤΟΥΠΑΠΜΟΥ. (example of yoghurt water humour)
3. Αγρός. (example of yoghurt water humour)
That boy hasn’t gone to the bathroom all day. He must have a willy full of water.
Deleting dad waters means drinking lots of beers
tonight we will be deleting dad waters