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Jersey juice

Confidence; self-confidence

I thought Jersey juice was an energy drink that instantly enlarges your gonads!

by talk2me-JCH2 November 19, 2023

Bukaki juice

When u cream in his but and then lick it with ur eyes shut. Then you felch a near by child and cream on there mouth as they die of suffering zaddy naby lad comes out of a nearby Bush and rapes your ear socket.

I want to fuck bukaki juice in the penis

by Penis boy 6969 September 8, 2021

ween juice

Weiner liquid. When a male has fluid on his penis, either from a partner or his own accomplishment. Cervical mucous, lady cum, man jiz all may be attributed to ween jooos.

"Holy shit Carol. There is so much ween juice... you're welcome."

Uhhh, I'm going to go shower.

by betsyandrews January 26, 2018

Juice wrlds drank

The popular rapper Juice wrld's favorite drank is when he "mix the codeine with the hi c"

Damn bro you making some of that Juice wrlds drank

by ibvoss August 8, 2020

ASDA juice

Asda juice, is the fruity juice from asda, that once scanned at the checkout says "ASDA JUICE"


by Asda juice November 14, 2019

Thc juice

Weed that is used in a vape with thc instead of cbd.Usually spice or opium instead when bought in the Uk and ireland

“Split a bottle of thc juice
Na man half the thc in town is just spice”

by BigMan207 March 31, 2021

1👍 2👎

Juiced Jesus

To be toned and muscular, while having long majestic hair and an almost Chuck Norris like beard. *Tattoos are not required, but recommended.*

Man, Opie from Sons of Anarchy really became a Juiced Jesus in season 4 of the show.

by Ulta-Thug MD. June 10, 2015