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Hot Drop

A Ho that like to f#%k a lot.

Let's go run a train on that Hot Drop.

by tilwedie May 8, 2022

drop jink

To put up money for something, or to put your money where your mouth is. To prove you can do something, to backup your words with actions.

So, you think you can beat me at quidditch. Okay, well drop jink and show me your skills.

by Zed Numar February 5, 2019

drop walk

When your leg(s) give out while you are walking.

I drop walked and fell trying to walk into the store.

by Drop... November 29, 2017

Drop-In Childcare

Non-traditional childcare service that specializes in hourly daycare. No reservations are needed and therefore you can just "drop in" whenever you want. These types of facilities are often open later than traditional childcare centers and are ideal for parent that don't work 9-5 or who just want a few hours for themselves. One example of a drop-in childcare center is www.KidSpa.com

The wife and I took the kids to a drop-in childcare center so we could have a date night!

by BusyDad December 17, 2019

Dungeon Drop

1. A sudden feeling of fatigue; usually associated with excessive drinking or partying.

2. The act of passing out; rapidly going from active to unconsciousness within a short period of time.

3. The physical act of falling while intoxicated.

"Phrase coined after a Six Flags roller coaster in which individuals were dropped vertically from a tower."

"After a night of drinking, Chris lays down on his couch and goes dungeon drop."

"With only 3 hours of sleep the night before, I went into my cubicle and immediately dungeon dropped."

"After spilling some beer on the dance floor at Bonds, Gandolf walks by only to slip on his ass and does a major dungeon drop."

by dnamgoong March 23, 2010

Drop Dead Fred

When you're completely naked in public, getting oral while standing, and you got dropkicked from behind by a homeless guy named Fred.

I was getting head from Sarah at the park when all of a sudden a man pulled a Drop Dead Fred on me and then the caps came and we got busted.

by Austronomy February 24, 2024


When you break up with a guy that really did you wrong and you want nothing more to do with him.

She told that creep to "Drop Dead Fred" so it's over for sure.

by Red Hot with anger September 11, 2017