National Bologna Day
Pewdiepie's Birthday
Drake's Birthday
Rosa Park's Death Day
Jackie Robinson's Death Day
Today is October 24th!
Boy: hold out your hand
Girl: *holds out hand*
Boy: *holds the girl’s hand*
Girl: awwww *starts blushing*
Boy: *hugs the girl*
October 24 DO IT!!
National YEET and emi day!! Do emi’s A favor and YEET them
“Today is October 24 the national yeet an emi day time to ATTACk”said Ambi
National yell at your friend day have a friend then yell at them (this national day has ruined a lot of friendships so be careful)
“Today is October 24 day imma go yell at billy”
Guys, it's only one week left to no nut November!
Don't forget to nut ;D
-Bro's only one week left until the worst month of the year.
-Yeah I know right it's October 24th!
People born on this day are the most iconic and best members of big banana moustache ever
If youre born on this day you get to roll on the ground while its wet in white clothes while screaming October 24 is the best day ever
October 24 is when the boy kisses the girl or the girl kisses the boy