(pussy) cat are known to hate water.There's a reason for that its because there allergic i know your probly thinking thats not true but studys have shown that cat dont land on there feet then there water on then and they also hate the water
cats and water are opposites
The act of putting your dong in the toilet and transferring it to the bathtub filled with water.
When I was at home, I had to take a shit. After I was done shitting, I gad to rinse my dong in the water of the tub. Then was born a new batch of bathtub toilet water dong
"I'd rather see how many hose water grenades I can throw at my teacher's head than watch wonder pets"
Black water is another word for coke why ? Because coke is made from water and it's black so it's called black water
Girl : Hi can I have some black water?
Boy : Sure I'll pour you some
"Well dip my dick in a cup of hot water!, I haven't see you in years!"
Something that Nobody on Tubi can put a Definition to
Me:What TF is TT Water ??
Tubi: you have to watch the movie ( like 6 times)